Y'all know me. I like to have super short and super edgy hair, that I grow bored quickly with any one hairstyle, my hair grows fast, and I like for my hair to look severe or even sometimes fake (or not found in nature). So yesterday, when I went in for the chop, I said I wanted "short and edgy" and "something that won't look weird when I take off my hat." We went for a take on the style I've had the last few months, but a little more extreme--super short sides, messy top. I love it!
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Rebecca and I went to the bike shop in Evanston today, and on my way out, I noticed a stack of PoCampo brochures in the window. We picked one up!
And flipped through it!
What a nice surprise!
My name and everything!
And the photo is one that Fuzzy took!
Oh man. What a great find in the middle of the day. I feel like a rockstar.