Recently in Family Category


I haven't posted in a few months. It's been nice being quiet and I've had lots to keep me occupied (my job, creative things starting up again, weddings, petting the cat) and now here it is December 2.

December 2 is hard and special as it is the day that everything changed in the Reid family--the day we lost Dad. In the last 8 years, so much has happened and changed and altered and flipped that I can't even begin to talk about it, but I try every day to just do the best I can and be the best person that I can be. I try to be kind (I don't always succeed), I try to be patient (I am terrible at this), I try to be curious (while living in my patterns). 

I always take this day off of work and responsibilities so that I can rest and reflect and do what I need to do. Sometimes that means I treat myself to something nice and something just means I stay in bed and cry. Today has mostly involved the latter so far, but that's ok. I am constantly processing the events of these years and trying to find peace in my grief and mourning, and I am proud of myself that allow this space to just feel and be and do what I need to do.

I revisited this morning the editorial that Charlie Mitchell wrote for Dad after he died. It's really something special.

I'm grateful for my family, my friends, the life that I choose to live. I'm thankful for the memories of the laughter we shared as a family.

Peace to everyone.

Finding Lulu

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This is an awesome essay by my amazing Sister-in-Law, Katie Waldie Reid, about her work in Tanzania and with the South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Read here!

Cedar Waxwing! Cedar Waxwing!

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Growing up, the Reid family loved to go to Jackson and to the mall, and we did so every few months. It was always a big deal, and we always loved it. Christopher and I never tired of hanging out at the mall, and I never tired of the Piled High Oreo Yogurt Pie from Chili's. Dad always made the same wrong decision (and had the same subsequent frustrated exclamations) on County Line Road, we always parked in the same lot at the mall each time we visited, and we developed bits that would be repeated and repeated throughout our lives ("One of these days, this will ALL be yours! Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da da da! Woo!")

One time, when Christopher and I were teenagers, as we arrived in the parking lot of Northpark Mall, Dad FREAKED OUT EXCITED. He pointed and started exclaiming "CEDAR WAXWING! CEDAR WAXWING! CEDAR WAXWING!" We were puzzled. He explained that they were a kind of bird that he loved and that always made him so happy to see. A tree on the premises was FULL of them.  They were chattering away, doing a good job of being birds.  We, of course, teased him, and subsequently made fun of him every time after that when we went to the mall.  We're Reids. It's what we do.

When we were all in Vicksburg this past February for Mom's birthday and to bid Memaw and Papaw Reid's house goodbye, Susan gave us some papers and things of Dad's. Among them, was an elementary school report that included essays and drawings of different birds. Flipping through, Christopher found the best thing--Dad's report and a drawing of the Cedar Waxwing.

It was such a special moment. It all clicked--Dad had loved them since he was in about 2nd grade or so. We were so touched. I took the report home with me. (I do not have a picture here because it might take a little while to locate the report, and I am choosing to not let perfect be the enemy of the good.)

A few years ago, Fuzzy made a comment about how I should get a frog or a turtle ornament each year for the tree in memory of Dad, or that I should keep buying him trinkets like I used to. Since we went to the Christkindlmarket on the anniversary of his death, this would have been the ideal time, yet, looking at the frogs and turtles, nothing felt right. I already have a number of them on the tree, and nothing stood out to me. I decided not to make a purchase.

The wildlife ornament house is organized by species, so a little bit past the reptiles were the birds. I love the German glass bird ornaments--they are so ornate and colorful and have beautiful feathers. I stopped and had a thought--if they had a cedar waxwing ornament, I would buy it in a heartbeat. But surely they wouldn't--I pour over the ornaments each and every year, and most definitely would have purchased one in the past if I had seen one, so I knew it was a just a lofty thought.

And then I looked over and saw this:



I couldn't believe it.  I still can't.

I think Dad put those there just for me.
So I could have my own moment of exclaiming "CEDAR WAXWING! CEDAR WAXWING!"


Thanks, Dad.

8 Years!

Holy Moly!

Has it been 8 years already?

It's been the best 8 years, cause I've been with Fuzzy, the most amazing man on the planet.

Happy Anniversary, my love.

Do You Guys Know How Amazing My Husband Is?

I am guessing, if you know Fuzzy, then you know how amazing he is.

But here are a few specific reasons:

He recently started a new job that has been a lot of hard work, and he is doing it with a smile on his face. It's so nice to see him happy and accomplishing great things.

This fall, he is going to be teaching a course at Columbia College. Professor Gerdes!

This weekend, he will be running Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN. This will be his 3rd full marathon (New Orleans Feb 2013, the Iron Man 2013) and he is running the Chicago Marathon this October. He will also be doing the Chicago Triathlon Triple Challenge in August again.

He's been killing it at stand-up open mics lately, he upstaged & out-performed me in The Plucky Show the last 2 months, and he is hosting Season 8 of Impress These Apes (starting soon!)

For some reason, he likes ME, so that proves that he is super patient and awesome, cause I am batshit CRAZY.

He's awesome.


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This week, my aunt Susan sent me all the old family photos from my Memaw and Papaw Reid's house. I can't wait to dig in and find old treasures from the family and new old photos of Dad. I have only just scratched the surface of the photos (literally, I opened one box and looked at the top few photos), but I already found this treasure: an amazing photo of my bro and me as kids. I think it perfectly sums up our relationship even to this day, 30ish years later:


I mean, come on.

It's been tough having my brother so far away in Mwanza, Tanzania, Africa, but thanks to Skype and email, we've been able to stay in pretty constant touch, as long as they have power. But after their trip to the states in February, there has been a new development in our lives.

Christopher was given a hand-me-down iPhone.

This is awesome for so many reasons, the best of which is that he and I can now iMessage each other for free. We can text! And because his evening is my morning, his night is my afternoon, and my night is his morning, we can sort of always keep a conversation going. When I get up in the morning, I can expect a "what's up?" from him, and when I get home before midnight from a rehearsal, I can check in with him to see how his day is. It's amazing. Of course, in typical, Erica and Christopher fashion, often our conversations devolve into Bitfest USA, which leads me to non-stop giggling and zero productivity. It's pretty great.

Case in point: This conversation from Friday. Please enjoy.

Me: Hi! Wassup?
C: Working on a logo.
Me: What's it for?
C: Mwanza Charity Craft Fair
Me: Ooh, Cool!  Take a photo and send it to me.
C: Logo.jpeg
C: At a loss how to illustrate "crafts."
Me: Make the house a little smaller and put a display of tiny purses and paintings next to it.
C: That's a lot of details to add.
Me: Baskets? Africans loooooove baskets.
C: I wanna just write SHE'S CRAFTY.
Me: A couple mockups:




C (at the exact same time as the last one from me): How about this?

C: We drew the same thing!
C: God, we are idiots.
Me: HAHAHAHAHHAHA. I'm losing it.
C: If only the rest of the world were as cool as us.

Amazing, right?

Today would be our father's 60th birthday. I can't think of a better way to celebrate his life than by doing bits with my older brother.


Ok, so this isn't a little horse. This is a big horse, that was at the Outlet Mall in Vicksburg last week. Yes, we were in Vicksburg last week! And look who else was there--Christopher and Katie! It was a quick trip, but we laughed a ton and saw lots of family and said goodbye to my Memaw Reid's house and visited the cemetary and ate BBQ and tons of Shipleys. Life is good.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yeah! She's 60!

Umm....Don't pick up sticks-ty because now you're sixty!

Happy Birthday Fuzzy!!


Happy Birthday to the love of my life, Fuzzy Gerdes!

Ready for more at 44!


I am stressed and anxious, and my stress & anxiety reliever isn't here anymore.

It's a crappy cycle to be stuck in.