One Day at a Time


Seriously, where is my head? I think I am all with it, and then I have some sort of blaring realization that I need to take things slow.

I started work yesterday--it was good to be back. Shannon is out till Monday, so I was there with the woman who was temping for me. It took me a little while to get back into the swing of things, and I need to remember that it is ok that I don't know the answers to the questions that my bosses are asking. I was gone for a while--it will get better. So when it was time to go, Jennifer (the temp) and I gather our things, I say to her--do you have your keys out? so she can lock the door, we get in our cars and go our separate ways. I run an errand and then start to go home, where Fuzzy was going to be meeting me. Halfway there, I realize that I don't have my keys. Do I have my keys? I don't think I grabbed them. Shoot--well, just let me call Fuzzy. Wait--do I have my phone? So I pulled into a gas station and looked for my phone. Nope. Plus, I am carrying a huge purse with too much stuff in it that I just threw in there from MS, so it is an ordeal. So I look around and see if there is a payphone. I can't tell you the last time I used a pay phone, but I certainly don't miss it. So I am standing there in my too-thin-a-jacket in temperatures that humans shouldn't be allowed in trying to find quarters for the phone, which of course eats $1.00 and doesn't let me make a call. At this point, it is 5:00pm, and Fuzzy leaves work at 5:30pm. I decide to try to go to his work before he leaves.

The drive downtown was actually pretty easy. There wasn't a lot of traffic, and with my new glasses, I can see to drive at night (it is amazing!). The problem was that there is hardly ever any parking around his office. So I get there, and put on my flashers in a tow zone. It is 5:25. I get out of the car, and then realize that there is a good chance that on a day like this, I will get towed, so I decide to forge ahead for parking. I was on the verge of tears and dealing with some crummy traffic, so I say a prayer asking God to help me in this situation and find somewhere to park so I could catch Fuzzy in time (I just knew that he would have left early and then I was at his work without him.) As I pulled up to an intersection, a car miraculously pulled out of a meter spot in front of me. God provides! Throwing many thanks up to Heaven, I parked, raced inside and found Fuzzy right before he got ready to leave. Success!!

I know that it is no big deal and that it was never a tragedy--I am perfectly capable to buying time and I could have waited for him to go home, plus a lot of friends have spare sets of keys I could have used. But I think it is a perfect example of the fact that I am still a little loopy and as Kate said, having some culture-shocky symptoms. And that is ok.

2008's mantra should be--Slow Down. One Day at a Time.


slow down is right...slow down and smell the asphalt, snow and salt!
i get tired just reading your blog! i was older when i moved north and while i am not as north as you, i still like the moving slow part of my life!
i love you lots and know how proud david and tricia are of you and Fuzzy. You two remind me of them actually! maybe if Tricia head up to visit this spring/summer, we can make a trip there too!

This reminds me of one of Grady's favorite Simpsons episodes. Homer is looking for a parking spot and he says "Lord, please give me a parking spot! I'll never do (whatever) again, I promise!" And a spot opens up. Homer quickly says "Never mind! I found one!"

And it all worked out extra great for that trip to Costco and the waffles and sausage for dinner...