I have the worst habit of biting and chewing on the inside of my mouth. I've always done it my whole life, and I do it more in times of high stress and anxiety. Lately it's gotten out of control, so I've decided to try to stop.
I am on Day 2, of trying to quit. The hard part about it is that my mouth is ALWAYS there, and I find myself mindlessly fishing around and starting to chew, but I try to stop before I do any major damage. In the car this morning, I tried to slap my thigh whenever I caught myself doing it. Today in my office, I slapped myself in the face (not super hard) to try to stop.
Hooboy, what a mess! I am honestly doing the best I can, though, so that's all I can do. I'm just super aware today of how often I do it. If only I had done it at Lent or something so I could have a religious reason to stop. But then I'd probably remember that I am not Catholic or of a denomination that gives things up for Lent, and I would start it up again.
Ah...addictions and nervous habits. DAMN YOU!
Wish me luck!
Good luck with trying to break your habit! Your mouth would probably thank you, if it could talk. Wait a minute, it can talk........