Talking Turkey

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This time of year is a rough one for me. Thanksgiving was the last holiday that we shared with my father just three years ago. So much has happened in those three years, and things are still so hard and mom is still so sick that I find myself today having a hard time thinking of things that I am thankful for. Instead, I just feel grumpy and worn out.

This morning Fuzzy and I ran 5 miles in the Austin, TX Turkey Trot. I am really glad that we did it--it was a lot of fun, and although it was really hard, we kept going and didn't give up. We finished in about an hour.

Hmm, I think that is a good metaphor to keep in mind. I really want to give up--I feel like I can't handle any more of anything, but I guess I just have to keep going.  I want to rest and take a breather from the stress and pain, but I have to push through and keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other.

When we left the downtown area, we heard Alice's Restaurant on the radio, and it made me feel connected to my parents again. It was a really nice feeling. I hadn't felt it in a while. I miss it.

I do know that I have a lot to be thankful for: my family, my friends, my incredible husband, a good job, my health, etc. I just need to keep my head up and keep going.

Reid Family Thanksgiving PJ Portrait Reid Family Thanksgiving PJ Portrait
Reid Family Thanksgiving 2007

1 Comment

I'm sorry you're feeling this way, Erica. I know the holidays can be so rough sometimes. One of my closest friends lost his mother suddenly this year and his job just a couple weeks ago and I know he's really having to put on a brave face.
Plus remember, you can be thankful any day of the year, not just when the calendar mandates it. ;)