Chicago has been unseasonably warm lately, and it's been awesome. We haven't REALLY had winter yet, though it is just around the corner (heavy snow and temps in the teens are due this weekend) and I am SCARED TO DEATH about it. My brain has already skipped winter and is headed for spring, partially fueled by the weather and also by the fact that I watched a lot of MTV Hits (the one that plays videos) over the weekend. Music videos are my weakness, and in them, it is (almost) always summer and everything is colorful and you can wear fashionable looks all year round and not have to worry about frostbite. I am SO ready for tank tops and short skirts. Ahh...that is heaven to me.
Anyways, every now and again, a video comes on that makes me hit the record button on my remote control (usually to show Fuzzy, as I do most of my video watching when he is out of town. I can zone out with videos for hours.) A few months ago it was Sexy and I know It by LMFAO, which later became the theme song for December when I was with Christopher and Katie (video probably not suitable for work):
And the other night it was Crash Your Party by Karmin:
I can't get enough of this song. It's my jam for summer 2012. It's my jam now for fake summer 2012, that's for sure. Look at how cute and dorky and adorable that girl is! I later found Karmin's version of Look at Me Now, which is just really impressive. Homegirl's got skillz. Stay away winter! Spring and summer, take me away!
Oh my god my brother loves this song. He made us all watch the video over Christmas. I love it.
Oh, and I mean the Sexy and I Know It song...
We all watched it at Christmas, too! So funny.
You know where it is still warm(in theory anyway)?
New Orleans!
Looks like we won't be able to make it down til at least this summer, but you'll be the first to know when we are able, so we can make a plan.