Being ok with it

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I am still feeling shitty with this gastroenteritis or whatever it is, and I've felt like a slug all weekend. I barely was able to do anything but sleep and watch movies. I had the luxury of having no plans all weekend, so I just stayed in my jammies and rested as much as I could. I have to venture out of the house in a little while, which I am nervous about, and today is my last day that I can really stay home from work, so I need to be better tomorrow no matter what. Since I just dealt with a worse form of this last fall, I know it isn't as bad as it could be, but it still isn't pleasant. I was just looking some things up online on how to make it better, and one website I found said "accept that you're sick" and "give yourself a few days to rest." Which I almost never want to do, cause when I am sick, I just feel like an idiot and want to get past it. Especially since I feel like I am sick all the time, now. When I was really active, I wasn't sick at all, but for the past several months, I've not been able to get back active again, cause I feel like I am always sick. But that site put it into perspective for me--I had a really rough week, losing a close family member among other things, and it is ok that I am not 100% right now. I need to cut myself some slack. Be nice to myself. Be ok with it. So that is what I am working on today. I am just doing the best I can, and I am ok that right now that best is kinda puny.

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Yes, girl. Take care of you. It's not puny, it's life.

Your tribute to your Memaw was beautiful writing.