So the other day, I posted about my problems about being a dancer with hyperhidrosis and the fear of dancing barefooted. It sent me off on a mission to find a possible solution to the problem, without looking like the one weirdo who has to wear shoes on stage. I looked on dance supply stores, yoga sites, pilates sites, amazon, and more. I started googling "nude crew toe socks" and found some half foot options that were black or hot pink. The dance sites all had half shoes, too. That defeats the purpose for me--if my heels are exposed, they will sweat the same amount as if I was barefooted. I found some overseas sites that had potential, only to find that the sites were sold out. I literally had 20 tabs open on my browser, but nothing was right. Exasperated, I shouted to the crowd--I turned to Twitter.
I need low cut nude individual toe socks. Anyone know where I can get some?
-- Erica Reid (@drunkmonkeyshow) November 9, 2014
A little while later, my amazing costumer friend Angela replied.
@drunkmonkeyshow Maybe @SockDreams or a yoga retailer?
-- Angela Enos (@angelaenos) November 9, 2014
SOCK DREAMS! Of course! I see their ads all the time in Bust Magazine, but had never been on the site. After a little browsing, I found these babies. Beige basic 5 toes, 50% cotton. Only $10. I got excited, and bought 2 pairs. 2 days later, they arrived.
They are super comfy and fit great. I was excited to try them out. I took them to rehearsal...
I cannot express to you what a feeling this was. My feet were still sweaty, yes, but the socks absorbed it all and kept the geyser from going off. My feet didn't go numb from being cold.
And my director didn't even notice I was wearing them.
With the fact that I am dancing more than I ever have and living my dreams in my mid-30s, having this new freedom feels sort of like a rebirth. It is pretty freaking awesome.
Thank you, Sock Dreams! Thank you, Angela!!