Relax and Enjoy the Holidays

Oh boy the holidays can be stressful, right? Why don't we take some advice from Erica Reid from November 10, 1998 as told to the Clarion Ledger, the newspaper of Jackson, MS.

Relax and Enjoy the Holidays1

Caption: "One way to relax over the holidays for Erica Reid of Jackson is the old stand-by: the bubble bath." (the caption should have read: "One way to relax over the holidays is to put on tons of makeup before taking a bath, as Erica Reid of Jackson has clearly done here.")

Relax and Enjoy the Holidays2Relax and Enjoy the Holidays3

Ooh, what else do you have to say, Erica of 1998?

Nurture Body and Soul:
A good night's sleep can lower your stress level during the holidays, said Erica Reid of Jackson, a sophomore at Hinds Community College in Raymond and Education Office Assistant at New Stage Theatre.

A bubble bath can take away one's worries where's there's too much to do. "I'm one of those people who can stay in the tub for an hour," she said.

True that, young 19 year old me. True that. (ps, you still are one of those people.)

You're welcome, America.


HA HAAAAA!!! This is awesome. I WILL relax and enjoy the

LOVE IT!! Good times, good times.....