I feel like a rockstar this morning!!  My friend Andrea is doing the International Distance triathlon this year, too, (though she's no newbie to it like I am--she's hardcore and has done it before) and she lives just a few short blocks away from us. Yeah! Training buddy! We were emailing about times that we could get together to run and bike, and last night at 10pm, she emailed me saying she was going for a run at 6:15am and did I want to join? I thought about it--I am notoriously not a morning person (or a night person--I am a champion afternooner, though) and decided "why the heck not!?" The time is now to take risks and to challenge myself, right? So I set my alarm for 5:50am, and went to bed about 11. I slept well (except when I had to remove the hot 20 pound cat from my left arm at 2am cause I couldn't move) and I woke up every few hours to check the clock. I am good at waking up when I know that I have to be somewhere--its every other day that I can't make it out of bed. So I got up before the alarm went off, got dressed, and headed over while it was still dark out. Today is supposed to be a glorious 78 degrees, so it was in the 50s already this morning--I didn't need a coat. We started at the lake path at Bryn Mawr, and ran down to about Lawrence, I guess, cut over to the road nearer to the lake and back, and ran for 25 minutes without stopping! I am so proud of us! When we finished, we did some stretching and looked out over the water--being at the lake as the sun is rising is really spectacular.

I am amazed at the difference it makes to run with a buddy and to talk to someone--it didn't feel like a chore to run and I never once thought about stopping or thought that I couldn't go on. Instead, the run seemed easy! I'm excited about having a spring and summer of training with Andrea. I am also really happy to report that, although my knee was hurting last night after my biking yesterday, it held up great in the run! Thanks, Robot Kneebrace!

What's so funny to me is that I haven't known what to do with myself since. I was home at 7am, and normally I don't get up til about 7:45. So I took a long bath, petted the cats for a while, went to the coffee shop (which didn't take long--when you go at 8:00amish, no one is there) and then came in to work early. Look at all this extra day I have!

Mornings! Who knew?!?!