Ok, so today, for a brief period, BOTH photos of me with Judy Tenuta were on Page 2 of her Google Image search!!! But then, about an hour later, the close-up was down to Page 3. But we are moving in the right direction.
Things I am loving about this:
1) If Judy Tenuta Googles herself, there are these random photos of her and a weirdo in a black and white wig. I wonder if she remembers that this photo even happened, considering that the full body one was just of her looking up from signing someone else's autograph and saying "huh?"
2) If she has a Google Keyword search on herself, every day this week, she is getting alerts telling her that some creep is posting about her every day this week. Well, it is just a link to this blog, but I am sure if she clicks over to look, she will think that I am a creep. But really I am not! Juudy Juuuudy! I am a fellow comedienne!
If I were on Twitter, I would say "@lovegoddessjudy Judy! I am campaigning to be on Page 1 of your google site! Tweet this pic! #campaigntogetericareidonpage1ofjudytenutasgoogleimagesearch
I'm not just doing this for me, I am doing it for all of mankind. (ok, so maybe I am doing this just for me.)