
Ooh y'all, life is good! Apes was awesome last night! I had a ball being on the judging side of things. It came to me really easy. It's nice to be actually able to give the feedback to the performers that I want to give them every season. Such fun. It's neat to have been a contestant, a producer, a contestant liason, and now a judge on the show. And with the livestream, C&K were able to watch in South Carolina! This morning, I spent a few hours on the beach with a dear friend who will soon be moving and her son. I mean, what kind of amazing life do I have where I can really take a morning to be outside, on the beach, in gorgeous weather. I love it. And now I am heading downtown for 4 more appointments in the day; 2 business and 2 social. I'm maintaining my zen post trip nature, too, so no stress or anxiety here. I'll post some photos of our trip soon! In the meantime, I hope that everyone can take at least 2 minutes today to stop, take a deep breath, and enjoy the moment. Xoxo