I am honored to have been cast in the next WNEP Soiree DADA, which will run this fall. In my opinion, you can't get any cooler than WNEP's DADA, so I am really excited to be a part of the show and to work with such an amazing cast, composers, and directing crew.
I'll post updates here on the writing process as we go!
The cast is:
ÜberDADA: Jen Ellison (DADA Dabo)
1. Joe Janes (DADA Mondo Yippeeee)
2. Virginia Killian (DADA to be named later)
3. Jeff Shivar (DADA Hoydl)
4. Ron Kroll (DADA to be named later)
1. Patrick Brennan (DADA to be named later)
2. Lori Goss (DADA Nip)
3. Gabriel Garza (DADA I can't remember his name from GPC)
4. Erica Reid Gerdes (DADA to be named later)
Our underDADAs (who will also contribute writing):
Dave Goss (DADA to be named later)
David Dastmalchian (DADA to be named later)
Stephanie Hoerner (DADA Es-Pee-Dee) will be our Stage Manager and will also be writing for the show.
Our DADA composers are
Steve Zimmers (DADA Wainscotting)
Jeff Shivar (DADA Hoydl)
Soiree DADA: Blinde Essel Hopse will be directed by Don Hall and assistant directed by Steve Lund and Bob Fisher.
This looks pretty freakin' cool. Kudos to the sis.
Awesome Erica! This sounds like a lot of fun.
Congrats, sweets!