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Here are 2 examples. I know there are more out there.

(pic from 2011)

(pic from the other night.)

Agora by Greg Inda

The brilliant Greg Inda has an ongoing photography series around the Agora sculptures downtown. I was lucky enough to do a session earlier this year. Please enjoy this selection:

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And then, of course, my two favorites:

_MG_4253 1500.jpg

_MG_4225 1500.jpg

Learn more about Greg Inda and his amazing photography here.


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This past weekend was a busy one, in that not only did we bake a wedding cake, but I also officiated 2 weddings-one of which in Indiana. I am in the process of starting a new wedding officiating business (more info to come!) but I have now married 9 couples, and each wedding has been wonderful and special in their own ways. I am happy to say that I am getting better with each one--more confident, less nervous--and my ceremonies are getting stronger. I am learning how to write a good ceremony for a couple I don't know very well, and rock the house down for the couples that I know and love. Sunday's wedding was a total blast, and after the ceremony, I partied hard!

But enough about that, here is the world's cutest couple, aka: ENRG and the Fuzz.


I mean, look at us.


Check out my kickass shoes.


Ok, so I don't ALWAYS know how to pose for photos. Take, for example the first attempt at the cake photo from the previous post:

Do I know how to pose or what?

There's Leigh, posing like a champ, and there's me, looking like a damn fool.


I mean, really:


Ever had your photo taken before, there, Erica?


Hmm...though something is missing...


Ahhh....that's more like it.

(I realize it's been a while since I've had a "Dork" photo. It's good to have them back.)


When you are friends with awesome photographers, like I am, sometimes one of them will say to you "Hey, I want to test out some lighting things. Want to come over so I can take your photo?" And if you are smart, you will jump at the chance and say not only "YES!!" but "I'll bring beer!" And you'll laugh your ass off when your friend and you'll eat amazing empanadas and get some freaking great shots out of it, which is amazing cause you can't take anything seriously and you have a goofy toothy smile and it is hard to stop talking so your photos tend to usually look weird. But your amazing photographer friend will take shots of you that make you look like a supermodel.

At least, that is what happened to me last night with one of my favorite people ever, Elizabeth McQuern. '


Erica Reid headshots by Elizabeth McQuern Erica Reid headshots by Elizabeth McQuern Erica Reid headshots by Elizabeth McQuern Erica Reid headshots by Elizabeth McQuern  Erica Reid headshots by Elizabeth McQuern Erica Reid headshots by Elizabeth McQuern

Eleganza! I feel so pretty! Thank you, Elizabeth! You're the best!

Hair Show!


Y'all know me. I like to have super short and super edgy hair, that I grow bored quickly with any one hairstyle, my hair grows fast, and I like for my hair to look severe or even sometimes fake (or not found in nature). So yesterday, when I went in for the chop, I said I wanted "short and edgy" and "something that won't look weird when I take off my hat."  We went for a take on the style I've had the last few months, but a little more extreme--super short sides, messy top. I love it!

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Also, this is random, but I think I am slowly becoming a club kid as I age....I am finding myself really loving Skrillex these days, and I can't get enough of this new Rihanna song. And now with this hair....I told Fuzzy to look out, or one day I will come home in giant pants and huge fur platform boots. Not to worry, though--I only am listening at home and at work. I am asleep by 10:30 or 11 most nights, so there's no clubbin for this one...

More PoCampo Modeling!

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Rebecca and I went to the bike shop in Evanston today, and on my way out, I noticed a stack of PoCampo brochures in the window. We picked one up!


And flipped through it!


What a nice surprise!
My name and everything!

And the photo is one that Fuzzy took!

Oh man. What a great find in the middle of the day. I feel like a rockstar.

Thanks, Emily and Maria!