Hey yo, no bigs, it was the 2014 Chicago Triathlon this past weekend, and we did it again. These things are kind of old hat now for us, I guess. Funny how this used to not be our life, but now it totally is. Its something that I enjoy and do just to do—not to compete at or anything—just to get that rush. And the amazing thing to me is that we are now MASTERS of the event. Not once did I get nervous for it this year, even though I was super undertrained for the bike and run portions of it. I had been on my bike I think 3 or 4 times total since last year’s tri, and even though I was doing the Sprint, they added some undisclosed distance on the course. But it was great from start to finish. Even being awake at 3am.
(my number was 6896, which is also a number when upside-down, so that was confusing)
Fuzzy competed in the Triple Challenge again this year, which is all 3 distances of the Chicago Tri. He blogged about it all here! (pics from the SuperSprint, with bonus Zach, here!) His first start wave on Sunday was 6:15am, and mine was 9:48am (the Sprint and International race order was smartly switched this year), so I had oodles of time to kill before I started. Luckily, they implemented all sorts of awesome new things in this year’s event, such as the Sprint transition area being open from 6:30-8:30am. BRILLIANT. It was awesome for a number of reasons: 1) when we were there at 5am to set up, the racks for the Sprint were wide open, so I had my pick of spot 2) When Fuzzy got out of the water, I had time to leisurely go back to my transition, drop stuff off, & recheck my gear 3) the port-o-potty situation was WAY better than usual. I never had to wait more than 3 minutes, instead of the usual 20-25, which is BRUTAL when you are a multiple-pees-before-events kind of person like me. So I watched Fuzzy go in the water, then saw my friend Dominique take off, then chatted with my friend Roger (who was also doing the Sprint) while following Fuzzy through the course (and bragging about him). The water looked terrible with waves, but he rocked it, and then I cheered on Dominique through her swim. I ate some food, went to transition, then got ready for my event.
I was SUPER trained on swimming this year, due to the Point to LaPointe, so I was just excited to get in the water. I was in a weird mixed start wave that was literally Women 35-39, Men 20-24 and Men 20 and under. So there were children in our wave. Bizarre. I heard a lot of folks say they were nervous, but me? I was just ready.
I loved the swim. It was my favorite part. I think I did well—there were a ton of people holding onto the wall and on their backs trying to keep afloat, but I was smooth and steady. My offical swim time was 22 minutes, but that time includes a leisurely walk to transition, getting out of my wetsuit, and a stop to the port-o-potty. So I think I was out of the water actually in 17-18 minutes. I wish there was a timing chip on the Swim Out. Then I ate some food, sprayed some sunscreen and was out on Lake Shore Drive. The bike was fine—it was windy and hard, but fine, and I did it in like an hour 10. While biking back, I saw Fuzzy biking out, so I knew he had made his 10:15am wave time. It made me breathe a bit easier.
When that was done, I drank some water, and took off on the run. I think I walked about half of it, but I am ok with that. I had been on a 5 mile walk with Claire a few days before, and knew I could walk the whole thing if needed, but ran as much as I could. I had some nice chats with some nice people, drank some gatorade, enjoyed the spray water mists throughout the route, then finished on my own without any fanfare. I finished in about 2 1/2 hours, which means it was after noon when I crossed the finish line. The spectators were thinned out (though the ones that were there were AWESOME and SO supportive and wonderful), and the announcers likely didn’t even see me coming in and didn’t call my name (they were talking about the sponsors when I crossed.) I got my metal and my gatorade, then hung out in the chute and waited for Fuzzy to finish a little bit later. I was so proud of him when he did.
So yeah. It’s a thing we did. And I am proud of us.
Another fun thing is that Dominique won an entry to another tri in Willmette on September 14th and gave it to me, so I have another one in 2.5 weeks. And I will likely chill out and zen out and enjoy that one, too. Cause that’s what we Gerdeses do.
Official Results Here.
Ranked 1249 in swim, 1980 in bike and 2036 in run out of 2132. Not too shabby for a gal like me.