The New!

So it's been 2 weeks to the day that I left my day job. I think last week was mostly for adjusting to that and trying to do everything. I had a hard time waking up, I was overwhelmed with everything I had to do, I had to tell myself it was ok to not have a day job. That doesn't mean I wasn't working--in fact, upon leaving a rehearsal I had on a Saturday, I realized that that was now my "work," and that made me so happy. Do what you love, right? When I was working a day job and rehearsing at all hours of the night, I would occasionally resent my schedule. Now that rehearsals ARE my schedule, I look forward to them and enjoy them a lot more.

I went to MS over the weekend, and it was awesome. SUCH a fun time. I had a great time with my mom, with Melissa and her family, and with Chad and Elizabeth. It was what I needed to fall in love with Vicksburg again. So nice. I came back jazzed and energized for what is next. Yesterday, I got up early and cleaned all day and was so productive! It felt great, and I am easing into what my daily schedule is now going to be like. Last night, however, I had a late night rehearsal (I got home at 1:30am!) and today I am SO FRIED that I can barely function. HA! Well, it is all about balance. It's ok to have some lag days, if my others are really productive.

I feel like I am in a good place. I have a ton on my agenda, but I am not overwhelmed. And I am still giving myself some downtime. Plus, it is the holiday season, which I love, and I enjoy hunkering down and staying out of the cold, so I look forward to some of that, too.

But for now, I need more coffee...