Last Bike Before Tri!

This morning, we tried to wake up at 4:30am for a 2 hour bike ride. Instead, we got up at 5:30am and went for an hour and 22 minute bike ride. 15.4 miles. So while not 25 miles, and not quite 2 hours, it will have to do as my last training ride before the big event on Sunday.  I'm sure I can do the rest just fine, as long as I make sure I eat a lot while on the bike.

I also learned that when you get home from rehearsal late and have to get up early to train the next morning, maybe having some whiskey isn't the best idea. I mean, it is a good idea 95% of the time, in my opinion (for me, at least), but this morning I have a little bit of a headache, which was especially painful whenever I hit a bump. Which was all the time.

Tomorrow I will do an easy run, and Friday a last lake swim. WE CAN DO THIS.

In other fun news, I'm now in the thick of rehearsals for the new Gorilla Tango Burlesque show: Boobs of the Dead, a Walking Dead Burlesque Show. Oh man, is it ever fun. The ladies are super talented, and I love that they can pick up what I throw down, so to speak. The show opens Friday, October 5th! Super fun times.

Things are busy, y'all! But more awesome than ever.