Dance Dance Party Party
DJ ENRG (that's me) will be DJing at the women-only Dance Dance Party Party. "No boys, no booze, no judgement".
Perceptual Motion Dance Studio
4057 N. Damen Ave, Chicago
Update: the DDPP blog post about my DJing.
« July 2010 | Main | May 2011 »
DJ ENRG (that's me) will be DJing at the women-only Dance Dance Party Party. "No boys, no booze, no judgement".
Perceptual Motion Dance Studio
4057 N. Damen Ave, Chicago
Update: the DDPP blog post about my DJing.
This page contains all of Erica Reid's performances from January 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.
July 2010 is the previous archive.
May 2011 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.